A Rebuke
It’s that happy time again when all things locally political is on the air again. Democrat candidates from RI and MA are falling all over themselves telling us how much they favor (and have always favored) “a woman’s right to choose” in the wake of the recent Dobbs decision which did not make abortion illegal, but returned the matter over to the states.
It’s embarrassing to watch them pull out their pro-abortion credentials. Really they should not be so bold. History will return to this issue. To me they are like the slaveowner of the south in the 19th century who bullied those who did not have a voice to defend their unalienable human right to life, liberty and property. Alas they were treated like property until the Civil War. But the slaveholder would brazenly and boldly declare their allegiance to upholding “a slaveholder’s right” to choose to enslave people for working their plantations. Boldly. Willing to die for it in a war.
The pro-abortion politician who flaunts their credentials is completely leaving out the rights of the pre-born child, just as the slave owner omitted the human rights of the slave.
Before the Dobbs decision, polls indicated that yes, a majority of Americans favored the flawed Roe decision to be maintained. However, and this is important, a majority also favored restrictions on abortion, and particularly as the pregnancy proceeded, such that an abortion in the third trimester was not at all favored by most Americans.
These brazen Democrat politicians are speaking to us in their ads as if no one favors restrictions at all. To hell with pre-born children. To me that is tantamount to being pro-slavery - only it’s worse. It’s pro-death sentence for the least, and most needy of American human beings - those that can’t defend themselves.
My rebuke, though, is not of these left wing pro-abort pols, though I do not like them. It’s reserved for my own community of pro-lifers. We MUST do more to loudly speak about this important distinction. Let us reserve our tendencies to be purists and oppose all abortions. Let’s, instead, call out these atrocious politicians who do not pay any heed at all to the fact that voters do favor restrictions after the first trimester. And that should be what legitimate candidates for office should support - not “a woman’s right to choose” but include a “baby’s unalienable right to be afforded a chance at life.”
Let’s call out the Gorbea’s and McKee’s and Magaziner’s and Morganthau’s and Foulkes’s, and harshly on the carpet over their insensitivity to the most vulnerable of citizens. Those who cannot speak for themselves. There are ways to be considerate and sensitive to women, and both women’s needs and their babies as well.